
  • Why Do Dogs Bark at Each Other?

    Some breeds of dogs have a greater tendency to bark than others, but no matter what type of pup you have, you’re likely to see and hear your dog b...
  • Why Do Dogs Bark at Nothing?

    If you have a dog, you know that your furry friend might do some things that are just plain strange. Sometimes, your dog might bark at nothing out...
  • Why Do Dogs Bark in Their Sleep?

    The house is silent and you’re drifting off to sleep when suddenly your dog starts to bark. You jump out of bed with your heart pounding to go and...
  • Why Do Dogs Bark at Night?

    You may have a dog who takes sundown as its cue to speak up. You also might be looking for ways to curb that behavior, and quickly. Your dog barki...
  • Why Do Dogs Bark at People?

    You’ve just brought home a beautiful new dog, and you’re extremely excited for your friends and family to meet them. But when they finally come ov...
  • Why Do Dogs Bark at Other Dogs?

    Many joys come with being a dog owner, but dealing with excessive barking isn’t one of them. This is especially true if your pup loves to become o...
  • What Dog Breeds Bark the Most?

    If you’re considering a new furry family member sometime soon, you want to make sure you can handle the level of barking your chosen breed is know...
  • What Dog Breeds Bark the Least?

    Thinking about bringing home a new dog? If you’re the type of person who can’t deal with excessive barking, you want a breed that’s known for keep...
  • Can Animal Control Take My Dog for Barking?

    When you absolutely love your dog but just can’t seem to get them to stop barking, it can feel frustrating and defeating. Some dogs can’t help but...
  • Seasonal Dog Paw Allergies: What You Need to Know

    Seasonal allergies are uncomfortable and inconvenient for anyone – and that includes dogs. Unfortunately, humans are not the only creatures who become itchy, red-eyed, and ready to sneeze up a storm at any given moment when spring rolls around.
  • Help! My Dog Barks at Everything that Passes By

    It’s not uncommon to have a vocal dog. Most of the time, your pup’s barking behavior might feel manageable without any intervention, but certain breeds can develop the sort of noisy habits that are enough to drive any pet lover up the wall.
  • Do Dogs Get Tired of Barking?

    Dogs can be quite resilient and determined creatures, which is a great thing when it comes to protecting their family. Still, those otherwise grea...